Meet the team

At Traversing Travel, we specialize in crafting bespoke, luxury travel experiences across the globe. Our clientele consists of discerning travelers seeking personalized, transformative journeys that reflect their unique aspirations.

We are an esteemed travel company specializing in personalized, sustainable, and immersive experiences. With extensive expertise, we craft custom itineraries to match individual traveler preferences. Our commitment to sustainability involves supporting local communities and environmental conservation efforts. We ensure high-quality experiences through strong local partnerships and regular property inspections, aiming to provide memorable and transformative journeys

Meet the team

Kirsty Perring

I was undecided with regards to what I wanted to do as a career when I finished high school. Choices ranged from nursing to law to teaching. So instead, I did what all level-headed teenagers do and jumped on a plane bound for the UK where I spent 2 years working as a nanny and travelling around Europe. Unbeknownst to me at the time, children and travelling became the 2 key building blocks in what lead to the launch of Traversing Travel 27 years later.

I have identified a niche in the travel market for families wanting to explore with children in tow without having to compromise on luxury or cut back on their experiences but at the same time ensuring a safe, enjoyable and immersive trip for all members. The motive for this stemmed from travelling with my own child and understanding the degree of knowledge and depth of planning required to curate such a trip. My main vision when Traversing Travel was conceived was that I wanted to be an architect in providing customised, personal, gratifying and life-enriching journeys to those who desired the same.

A bit more about me…

I am also the mother of 2 Yorkshire terriers Burt and Daisy. The only thing we dislike about travelling is leaving our pups behind. Luckily, they are so adorable that we have a number of aunts and uncles lining up to look after them while we are away. I have a thing for VW beetles and vans, especially yellow ones. My favourite animal to see on safari is wild dog, but I love all animals and have a weak spot for the underdogs such as hyenas and baboons.

Melanie Tucker

A two-week boat journey from England to South Africa was my first real travel experience,  at the age of 4.  It kindled a lifelong love of travel in me.

For 25 years, I have been a travel professional first in South Africa, then in  England and since 2010 in North America.  

I learnt the ropes of the industry selling package holidays,  before progressing to corporate travel for the entertainment industry.  But by far, the best chapter of my travel career has been using my deep knowledge of Africa, to create memorable bespoke travel experiences.

A bit more about me…

When I am not organizing amazing travel experiences for clients or checking out new destinations, I am a wife to an amazing husband.   I believe in having as many varied and enjoyable experiences as possible.  Along the way, I qualified as a dog trainer, ran puppy classes and  I stay active by doing weight training, yoga, hiking, skiing and kayaking whenever possible.   I will try almost anything legal at least once.  I even tried Morris dancing!

Darren Perring

I was raised in Cape Town and had never ventured beyond the borders of South Africa until I met Kirsty. In fact, prior to meeting her, I had never set foot on an airplane. However, fast forward to the present and I can proudly say that I’ve notched just as many travel experiences as my wife. Along the way, I’ve discovered my passion for travel, wildlife, and photography. Having built a career in the IT industry, I assume the ultimate responsibility for overseeing all things technical at Traversing Travel, except when I’m busy crafting unforgettable trips to my favorite destinations.

A bit more about me…

I’m incredibly passionate about running, cycling, hiking, and spending time in the great outdoors so try to squeeze in some activites whenever I can, especially when travelling! My favorite way to get up close and personal with wildlife? It’s got to be a walking safari – nothing quite compares! I’ve had the privilege of encountering lions, cheetahs, and elephants while exploring the bush on foot.

Travis Perring

Travis is the youngest member of Traversing Travel but probably the most important part of our team. Travis too was born in Cape Town, but has grown up in Toronto so has a Canadian accent peppered with South African slang. From a very young age, he has embarked on journeys around South Africa and has been on a number of different safaris with us but has also visited Mauritius, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Morocco, Equador, United States, United Kingdom and Egypt. Travis does not consider it to be a vacation unless it involves boarding an aeroplane. We set the bar a bit high in terms of his expectations and now have to uphold this annual pilgrimage to the continent of his birth! Travis gets to test out kids clubs, kids activities, kids dining and the like and is very vocal in terms of what he feels works and what doesn’t. “This is so boring” is not something any parents want to hear while indulging their offspring on a trip they have painstakingly planned and saved for. Luckily with Travis’s vital input, we can eliminate the chance of that happening! Travis is now 12 years old and so we look forward to travelling with him as he grows into a teenager for a completely different perspective.

When asked what he wants to be when he grows up Travis answers excitedly with “a game ranger”!

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